Volume 24, Issue 2 (2013), pp. 253–274
The paper deals with the application of the theory of locally homogeneous and isotropic Gaussian fields (LHIGF) to probabilistic modelling of multivariate data structures. An asymptotic model is also studied, when the correlation function parameter of the Gaussian field tends to infinity. The kriging procedure is developed which presents a simple extrapolator by means of a matrix of degrees of the distances between pairs of the points of measurement. The resulting model is rather simple and can be defined only by the mean and variance parameters, efficiently evaluated by maximal likelihood method. The results of application of the extrapolation method developed for two analytically computed surfaces and estimation of the position of the spacecraft re-entering the atmosphere are given.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (2000), pp. 243–256
This paper deals with maximum likelihood and least square segmentation of autoregressive random sequences with abruptly changing parameters. Conditional distribution of the observations has been derived. Objective function was modified to the form suitable to apply dynamic programming method for its optimization. Expressions of Bellman functions for this case were obtained. Performance of presented approach is illustrated with simulation examples and segmentation of speech signals examples.