Pub. online:23 Feb 2024Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 35, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 341–361
A fast vectorized codes for assembly mixed finite element matrices for the generalized Navier–Stokes system in three space dimensions in the MATLAB language are proposed by the MINI element. Vectorization means that the loop over tetrahedra is avoided. Numerical experiments illustrate computational efficiency of the codes. An experimental superconvergence rate for the pressure component is established.
Volume 22, Issue 2 (2011), pp. 241–257
The current increment in energy consumption has renewed the interest in the development of alternatives to fossil fuels. In this regard, the interest in solving the different control problems existing in nuclear fusion reactors like Tokamaks has been intensified. The aim of this manuscript is to show how the ASTRA code, which is used to simulate the performance of Tokamaks, can be integrated into the Matlab-Simulink tool in order to make easier the development of suitable controllers for Tokamaks. As a demonstrative case study to show the feasibility and the goodness of the proposed integration, a modified anti-windup PID-based controller coupled with an optimization algorithm for the loop voltage has been implemented. This integration represents an original and innovative work in the Tokamak control area and it provides new possibilities for the development and application of advanced control schemes to the standardized ASTRA code.
Volume 15, Issue 4 (2004), pp. 489–514
The paper considers moving locally predefined (MLP) finite element remeshing technique for deep penetration of the rigid cone into homogeneous and porous medium. Remeshing presents a computational tool implemented in the form of postprocessor type software compatible with standard FEM codes. It involves a transfer operation combining both the moving least square method based on stress patch recovery and the interpolation method for transfer of state variables. The developed MLP remeshing is able to overcome numerical difficulties occurring due to large distortions of the Lagrangian mesh and contact sliding and capture steady‐state behavior. It shows good performance in modeling of cone penetration into elasto‐plastic homogeneous and porous media reaching several diameters of the cone.
Volume 15, Issue 3 (2004), pp. 363–378
The present paper describes the development and the performance of parallel FEM software for solving various CFD problems. Domain decomposition strategy and parallel iterative GMRES solver have been adapted to the universal space‐time FEM code FEMTOOL, which allows implementation of any partial differential equation with minor expenses. The developed data structures, the static load balancing and the inter‐processor communication algorithms have been particularly suited for homogeneous distributed memory PC clusters. The universality of the considered parallel algorithms has been validated solving applications described by the Poisson equation, by the convective transport equation and by the Navier–Stokes equations. Three typical benchmark problems have been solved in order to perform the efficiency study. The performance of parallel computations, the speed‐up and the efficiency have been measured on three BEOWULF PC clusters as well as on the cluster of IBM RISC workstations and on the IBM SP2 supercomputer.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (1996), pp. 97–130
The goal of this work is to describe the underlying theoretical and algorithmic basis of a MATLAB-based software developed by the authors. The software is intended for investigation of time series (signals) which can be modeled as the sum of real-valued quasipolynomials plus white noise. With the help of the software described, one can compute the expressions of the Cramér-Rao lower bound on the covariance matrix of the estimation error of unbiased estimates of damping factors and frequencies of quasipolynomials and to obtain estimates of these parameters using three versions of Prony method. Using this software, one can generate various models of quasipolynomials, obtain plots of their poles with respect to the unit circle, compute and plot 2σ-bounds (where σ is given by the CRB formula) around each pole, and also pole estimates obtained in each realization. Results of numerical experiments are presented.