Pub. online:5 Aug 2022Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 16, Issue 2 (2005), pp. 159–174
The more realistic neural soma and synaptic nonlinear relations and an alternative mean field theory (MFT) approach relevant for strongly interconnected systems as a cortical matter are considered. The general procedure of averaging the quenched random states in the fully-connected networks for MFT, as usually, is based on the Boltzmann Machine learning. But this approach requires an unrealistically large number of samples to provide a reliable performance. We suppose an alternative MFT with deterministic features instead of stochastic nature of searching a solution a set of large number equations. Of course, this alternative theory will not be strictly valid for infinite number of elements. Another property of generalization is an inclusion of the additional member in the effective Hamiltonian allowing to improve the stochastic hill-climbing search of the solution not dropping into local minima of the energy function. Especially, we pay attention to increasing of neural networks retrieval capability transforming the replica-symmetry model by including of different nonlinear elements. Some results of numerical modeling as well as the wide discussion of neural systems storage capacity are presented.
Volume 15, Issue 4 (2004), pp. 551–564
Text categorization – the assignment of natural language documents to one or more predefined categories based on their semantic content – is an important component in many information organization and management tasks. Performance of neural networks learning is known to be sensitive to the initial weights and architecture. This paper discusses the use multilayer neural network initialization with decision tree classifier for improving text categorization accuracy. Decision tree from root node until a final leave is used for initialization of each single unit. Growing decision trees with increasingly larger amounts of training data will result in larger decision tree sizes. As a result, the neural networks constructed from these decision trees are often larger and more complex than necessary. Appropriate choice of certainty factor is able to produce trees that are essentially constant in size in the face of increasingly larger training sets. Experimental results support the conclusion that error based pruning can be used to produce appropriately sized trees, which are directly mapped to optimal neural network architecture with good accuracy. The experimental evaluation demonstrates this approach provides better classification accuracy with Reuters‐21578 corpus, one of the standard benchmarks for text categorization tasks. We present results comparing the accuracy of this approach with multilayer neural network initialized with traditional random method and decision tree classifiers.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (2003), pp. 95–110
It is a complex non‐linear problem to predict mechanical properties of concrete. As a new approach, the artificial neural networks can extract rules from data, but have difficulties with convergence by the traditional algorithms. The authors defined a new convex function of the grand total error and deduced a global optimization back‐propagation algorithm (GOBPA), which can solve the local minimum problem. For weights' adjustment and errors' computation of the neurons in various layers, a set of formulae are obtained by optimizing the grand total error function over a simple output space instead of a complicated weight space. Concrete strength simulated by neural networks accords with the data of the experiments on concrete, which demonstrates that this method is applicable to concrete properties' prediction meeting the required precision. Computation results show that GOBPA performs better than a linear regression analysis.
Volume 9, Issue 4 (1998), pp. 415–424
Comparative study of the recognition of nonsemantic geometrical figures by the human subjects and ART neural network was carried out. The results of computer simulation experiments with ART neural network showed well correspondence with the psychophysical data on the recognition of different complexity visual patterns: in both cases the patterns of medium complexity were recognized with the highest accuracy. On the contrary, the recognition of the patterns by their informative fragments demonstrated different recognition strategies employed by natural and artificial neural systems. For biological systems, it is necessary the presence of not only distinctive features in visual patterns but the redundant features as well for successive recognition. ART neural network ignores redundant features and recognizes visual patterns with equal accuracy whether the whole pattern or only the informative fragment of any completeness is present.
Volume 7, Issue 4 (1996), pp. 525–541
In the present paper, the method of structure analysis for multivariate functions was applied to rational approximation in classification problems. Then the pattern recognition and generalisation ability was investigated experimentally in numerical recognition. A comparison with Hopfield Net was carried out. The overall results of using of new approach may be treated as a success.