Cited by 3
An Improved Conference-Key Agreement Protocol with Forward Secrecy

A Fault-Tolerant Authenticated Key-Conference Agreement Protocol with Forward Secrecy
Tomasz Hyla, Jerzy Pejaś
Book:  Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management) Volume 9842 (2016), p. 647
A fault‐tolerant group key agreement protocol exploiting dynamic setting
Zi‐Yao Cheng, Yun Liu, Chin‐Chen Chang, Cheng Guo
Journal:  International Journal of Communication Systems Volume 26, Issue 2 (2013), p. 259
Quantum Conference Key Agreement: A Review
Gláucia Murta, Federico Grasselli, Hermann Kampermann, Dagmar Bruß
Journal:  Advanced Quantum Technologies Volume 3, Issue 11 (2020)