1 May 2017
1 March 2018
1 January 2018
S. Laurinčiukaitė received her PhD degree from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. From 2000 to 2008 she worked at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics. Currently she is working with development of speech corpora. Her research field is HMM based methods for Lithuanian speech recognition, development of speech corpora.
L. Telksnys, professor, doctor habilitatis in informatics, doctor honoris causa of the Kaunas University of Technology, member of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, senior research fellow of Recognition Processes Department at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius University, Lithuania. He is the author of an original theory of detecting changes in random processes, investigator and developer of a computerized system for statistical analysis and recognition of random signals. His current research interests are in analysis and recognition of random processes, cardiovascular signals and speech processing.
P. Kasparaitis graduated from Vilnius University (Faculty of Mathematics) in 1991. He became a PhD student at Vilnius University in 1991. In 2001 he defended his PhD thesis. Presently he is an associate professor at Vilnius University. Current research includes text-to-speech synthesis and other areas of computer linguistics.
R. Kliukienė received her PhD degree from Vilnius University. She worked at Vilnius University, the Faculty of Philology. She supervised the construction of the Lithuanian speech corpus Liepa.
V. Paukštytė received her master’s degree in Lithuanian linguistics from the Vilnius University in 2012. She worked with the Lithuanian speech corpus Liepa.