Pub. online:1 Jan 2017Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 28, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 547–564
In this paper, we presented another form of eight similarity measures between PFSs based on the cosine function between PFSs by considering the degree of positive membership, degree of neutral membership, degree of negative membership and degree of refusal membership in PFSs. Then, we applied these weighted cosine function similarity measures between PFSs to strategic decision making. Finally, an illustrative example for selecting the optimal production strategy is given to demonstrate the efficiency of the similarity measures for strategic decision making problem.
Pub. online:1 Jan 2017Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 28, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 525–545
Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is the leading visual notation used for modelling business processes. This paper shows how the Alvis modelling language can be used for formal analysis of BPMN models. Alvis supports graphical modelling of interconnections among subsystems called agents as well as a high-level programming specification for describing the agents’ behaviour. Its advantage is the possibility of formal verification using proven model checking techniques. We propose a translation from the BPMN model to the Alvis representation, which is discussed and evaluated using an illustrative example of a process for evaluation of a student assignment. Thanks to the translation it is possible to perform formal verification of a BPMN model in a high-level concurrent environment. As opposed to some low-level representations, such as Petri nets, semantics of Alvis is close to the original BPMN model. Moreover, if a concurrent system behaviour is specified using a BPMN model, it is possible to generate a formal model (a preliminary implementation) of the system.
Pub. online:1 Jan 2017Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 28, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 517–524
In this paper we consider an improved version of earlier published asymmetric encryption protocol based on matrix power function (MPF). Recently, a linear algebra attack on earlier version of this protocol was found. This attack allows an attacker to break suggested protocol in polynomial time.
Here we show that the improved version of our encryption protocol is not vulnerable to the declared linear attack, while retaining its effective realization in embedded systems.
Pub. online:1 Jan 2017Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 28, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 505–515
Medical X-ray images are prevalent and are the least expensive diagnostic imaging method available widely. The handling of film processing and digitization introduces noise in X-ray images and suppressing such noise is an important step in medical image analysis. In this work, we use an adaptive total variation regularization method for removing quantum noise from X-ray images. By utilizing an edge indicator measure along with the well-known edge preserving total variation regularization, we obtain noise removal without losing salient features. Experimental results on different X-ray images indicate the promise of our approach. Synthetic examples are given to compare the performance of our scheme with traditional total variation and anisotropic diffusion methods from the literature. Overall, our proposed approach obtains better results in terms of visual appearance as well as with respect to different error metrics and structural similarity.
Pub. online:1 Jan 2017Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 28, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 485–503
Strategic management is a process of determining a business long-term objectives and the way to achieve these goals. Considering importance of strategic planning in long-term competitive power of organizations, different frameworks are proposed to formulate strategies. How to choose the best strategy is a challenging activity due to its multi criteria nature and lack of information. In this paper, a method comprised of grey DEMATEL – grey analytic network process is proposed to deal with this challenge. The proposed method considered interrelationship among factors using DEMATEL and then these relations are applied in strategy ranking by ANP. The uncertainty and lack of information is handled using grey numbers. Application of the proposed method is illustrated in an ecotourism company.
Pub. online:1 Jan 2017Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 28, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 471–484
ID-based cryptographic protocol is an extremely valuable apparatus in the field of cryptography and has numerous latent applications. The safety of conventional ID-based cryptographic protocol is entirely contingent in light of the safety of private keys. Revelation of private keys needs reissuing all beforehand doled out encryptions. This confinement turns out to be clearer today as key presentation is more regular with expanding utilization of unprotected gadgets and mobile technology. In this context, relieving the loss of key disclosure in ID-based cryptographic protocol is a critical issue. To manage this issue, we present to include onward security into ID-based cryptographic protocol. Besides, we propose another development of indistinguishability-ID-based cryptographic protocol using Integer Factorization Problem (IFP) and Generalized Discrete Logarithm Problem (GDLP) which is semantically protected against Chosen Plaintext Attack (CPA) in random oracle. We show that our presented protocol beats the other standing protocol as far as security, the length of public key and computational cost are concerned. We shed light on some applications and future scope.
Pub. online:1 Jan 2017Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 28, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 453–470
In this paper, at first, we develop some new geometric distance measures for interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy information, including the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy weighted geometric distance (IVIFWGD) measure, the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy ordered weighted geometric distance (IVIFOWGD) measure and the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy hybrid weighted geometric distance (IVIFHWGD) measure. Also, several desirable properties of these new distance measures are studied and a numerical example is given to show application of the distance measure to pattern recognition problems. And then, based on the developed distance measures a consensus reaching process with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy preference information for group decision making is proposed. Finally, an illustrative example with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy information is given.
Pub. online:1 Jan 2017Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 28, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 439–452
Radiologists need to find a position of a slice of one computed tomography (CT) scan in another scan. The image registration is a technique used to transform several images into one coordinate system and to compare them. Such transversal plane images obtained by CT scans are considered, where ribs are visible, but it does not lessen the significance of our work because many important internal organs are located here: liver, heart, stomach, pancreas, lungs, etc. The new method is developed for registration based on the mathematical model describing the rib-bounded contour. Parameters of the mathematical model and of distribution of the bone tissue on the CT scan slice form a set of features describing a particular slice. The registration method applies translation, rotation, and scaling invariances. Several strategies of translation invariance and options of the unification of scales are proposed. The method is examined on real CT scans seeking for its best performance.
Pub. online:1 Jan 2017Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 28, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 415–438
The Improved Artificial Bee Colony (IABC) algorithm is a variant of the well-known Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm. In IABC, a new initialization approach and a new search mechanism were added to the ABC for avoiding local optimums and a better convergence speed. New parameters were added for the new search mechanism. Specified values of these newly added parameters have a direct impact on the performance of the IABC algorithm. For better performance of the algorithm, parameter values should be subjected to change from problem to problem and also need to be updated during the run of the algorithm. In this paper, two novel parameter control methods and related algorithms have been developed in order to increase the performance of the IABC algorithm for large scale optimization problems. One of them is an adaptive parameter control which updates parameter values according to the feedback coming from the search process during the run of the algorithm. In the second method, the management of the parameter values is left to the algorithm itself, which is called self-adaptive parameter control. The adaptive IABC algorithms were examined and compared to other ABC variants and state-of-the-art algorithms on a benchmark functions suite. Through the analysis of the results of the experiments, the adaptive IABC algorithms outperformed almost all ABC variants and gave competitive results with state-of-the-art algorithms from the literature.
Pub. online:1 Jan 2017Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 28, Issue 2 (2017), pp. 403–414
An adaptive multi-rate wideband (AMR-WB) speech codec with a sampling rate of 16 kHz is known as one of the speech codecs employed in handheld devices that support 4G mobile communication systems. When applied to smartphones, it provides a superior speech quality relative to conventional speech codecs. Nonetheless, a major disadvantage is that an algebraic codebook search occupies a significant computational load in an AMR-WB encoder. In other words, the high computational complexity accounts for the high power consumption on a smartphone battery. This paper presents an improved version of depth-first tree search (DF) algorithm as a means to considerably reduce the complexity of an algebraic codebook search in an AMR-WB speech codec. This proposed search algorithm firstly involves the choice of a specified number of candidate pulses according to a pulse contribution ranking. Subsequently, a DF search is performed on the candidate pulses for a set of best pulses. Consequently, the target of the search and computational complexity reduction can be reached as expected. With a well maintained speech quality, this proposal demonstrates a search performance superiority over a DF and a global pulse replacement approach. Furthermore, with DF as a benchmark, a computational load reduction above 73% is reached in all coding modes.