Volume 31, Issue 3 (2020), pp. 597–620
Very recently, side-channel attacks have threatened all traditional cryptographic schemes. Typically, in traditional cryptography, private/secret keys are assumed to be completely hidden to adversaries. However, by side-channel attacks, an adversary may extract fractional content of these private/secret keys. To resist side-channel attacks, leakage-resilient cryptography is a countermeasure. Identity-based public-key system (ID-PKS) is an attractive public-key setting. ID-PKS settings not only discard the certificate requirement, but also remove the construction of the public-key infrastructure. For solving the user revocation problem in ID-PKS settings, revocable ID-PKS (RID-PKS) setting has attracted significant attention. Numerous cryptographic schemes based on RID-PKS settings have been proposed. However, under RID-PKS settings, no leakage-resilient signature or encryption scheme is proposed. In this article, we present the first leakage-resilient revocable ID-based signature (LR-RIBS) scheme with cloud revocation authority (CRA) under the continual leakage model. Also, a new adversary model of LR-RIBS schemes with CRA is defined. Under this new adversary model, security analysis is made to demonstrate that our LR-RIBS scheme with CRA is provably secure in the generic bilinear group (GBG) model. Finally, performance analysis is made to demonstrate that our scheme is suitable for mobile devices.
Volume 31, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 313–330
Colouring of graphs is being used in several representations of real world systems like map colouring, traffic signalling, etc. This study introduces the edge colouring of fuzzy graphs. The chromatic index and the strong chromatic index are defined and related properties are investigated. In addition, job oriented web sites, traffic light problems have been presented and solved using the edge colouring of fuzzy graphs more effectively.
Pub. online:27 Mar 2020Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 31, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 399–433
In this paper, we develop a new flexible method for interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy decision-making problems with cosine similarity measure. We first introduce the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy cosine similarity measure based on the notion of the weighted reduced intuitionistic fuzzy sets. With this cosine similarity measure, we are able to accommodate the attitudinal character of decision-makers in the similarity measuring process. We study some of its essential properties and propose the weighted interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy cosine similarity measure.
Further, the work uses the idea of GOWA operator to develop the ordered weighted interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy cosine similarity (OWIVIFCS) measure based on the weighted reduced intuitionistic fuzzy sets. The main advantage of the OWIVIFCS measure is that it provides a parameterized family of cosine similarity measures for interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets and considers different scenarios depending on the attitude of the decision-makers. The measure is demonstrated to satisfy some essential properties, which prepare the ground for applications in different areas. In addition, we define the quasi-ordered weighted interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy cosine similarity (quasi-OWIVIFCS) measure. It includes a wide range of particular cases such as OWIVIFCS measure, trigonometric-OWIVIFCS measure, exponential-OWIVIFCS measure, radical-OWIVIFCS measure. Finally, the study uses the OWIVIFCS measure to develop a new decision-making method to solve real-world decision problems with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy information. A real-life numerical example of contractor selection is also given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed approach in solving real-life problems.
Pub. online:26 Mar 2020Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 31, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 225–248
Today energy demand in the world cannot be met based on the growing population of the countries. Exhaustible resources are not enough to supply this energy requirement. Furthermore, the pollution created by these sources is one of the most important issues for all living things. In this context, clean and sustainable energy alternatives need to be considered. In this study, a novel interval-valued neutrosophic (IVN) ELECTRE I method is conducted to select renewable energy alternative for a municipality. A new division operation and deneutrosophication method for interval-valued neutrosophic sets is proposed. A sensitivity analysis is also implemented to check the validity of the proposed method. The obtained results and the sensitivity analysis demonstrate that the given decision in the application is robust. The results of the proposed method determine that the wind power plant is the best alternative and our proposed method’s decisions are consistent and reliable through the results of comparative and sensitivity analyses.
Pub. online:25 Mar 2020Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 31, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 359–397
Public-private partnership (PPP) is regarded as an innovative way to the procurement of public projects. Models vary with PPP projects due to their differences. The evaluation criteria are usually complex and the judgments offered by decision makers (DMs) show the characteristics of fuzziness and uncertainty. Considering these cases, this paper first analyses the risk factors for PPP models and then proposes a new method for selecting them in the setting of single-valued neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy environment. To achieve these purposes, two single-valued neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy correlation coefficients are defined to measure evaluated PPP models. Considering the weights of the risk factors and their interactions, two single-valued neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy 2-additive Shapley weighted correlation coefficients are defined. When the 2-additive measure on the risk factor set is not exactly known, several distance measure-based programming models are constructed to determine it. Based on these results, an algorithm for evaluating PPP models with single-valued neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy information is developed. Finally, a practical numerical example is provided to verify the validity and feasibility of the new method.
Pub. online:23 Mar 2020Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 31, Issue 1 (2020), pp. 185–204
Departing from conventional TFP index without variable-specific analysis, this paper applies a novel Malmquist productivity index on the basis of the multi-directional efficiency analysis to investigate not only the overall total factor productivity growth, but also the variable-specific productivity growth in the Chinese banking sector. Moreover, considering heterogenous types of banks, the metafrontier framework is taken into account. It is found that the total factor productivity tended to decline in the Chinese banking during 2005–2015 with technological change being the main source of regress. The large state-owned commercial banks performed better than the small-medium commercial banks in terms of total factor productivity growth.
Pub. online:23 Mar 2020Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 31, Issue 1 (2020), pp. 161–184
In this paper, we present the 2-tuple linguistic neutrosophic CODAS model based on the traditional fuzzy CODAS (combinative distance-based assessment) model and some fundamental theories of 2-tuple linguistic neutrosophic information. Firstly, we briefly review the definition of 2-tuple linguistic neutrosophic sets (2TLNSs) and introduce the score function, the accuracy function, operation laws and some aggregation operators of 2TLNNs. Then, the calculation steps of traditional fuzzy CODAS model are briefly presented. Furthermore, by combining the traditional fuzzy CODAS model with 2TLNNs information, the 2-tuple linguistic neutrosophic CODAS model is established and the computing steps for multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) are simply depicted. Our presented model is more accurate and effective for considering the combinative form of two distance measurements, including fuzzy weighted Hamming distance (HD) and fuzzy weighted Euclidean distance (ED). Finally, a numerical example for safety assessment of construction project has been given to illustrate this new model and some comparisons between 2TLNNs CODAS model and two 2TLNNs aggregation operators are also made to further illustrate the advantages of the new method.
Pub. online:23 Mar 2020Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 31, Issue 1 (2020), pp. 143–160
Phishing activities remain a persistent security threat, with global losses exceeding 2.7 billion USD in 2018, according to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center. In literature, different generations of phishing websites detection methods have been observed. The oldest methods include manual blacklisting of known phishing websites’ URLs in the centralized database, but they have not been able to detect newly launched phishing websites. More recent studies have attempted to solve phishing websites detection as a supervised machine learning problem on phishing datasets, designed on features extracted from phishing websites’ URLs. These studies have shown some classification algorithms performing better than others on differently designed datasets but have not distinguished the best classification algorithm for the phishing websites detection problem in general. The purpose of this research is to compare classic supervised machine learning algorithms on all publicly available phishing datasets with predefined features and to distinguish the best performing algorithm for solving the problem of phishing websites detection, regardless of a specific dataset design. Eight widely used classification algorithms were configured in Python using the Scikit Learn library and tested for classification accuracy on all publicly available phishing datasets. Later, classification algorithms were ranked by accuracy on different datasets using three different ranking techniques while testing the results for a statistically significant difference using Welch’s T-Test. The comparison results are presented in this paper, showing ensembles and neural networks outperforming other classical algorithms.
Pub. online:23 Mar 2020Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 31, Issue 1 (2020), pp. 131–142
The Industry 4.0 and smart city solutions are impossible to be implemented without using IoT devices. There can be several problems in acquiring data from these IoT devices, problems that can lead to missing values. Without a complete set of data, the automation of processes is not possible or is not satisfying enough. The aim of this paper is to introduce a new algorithm that can be used to fill in the missing values of signals sent by IoT devices. In order to do that, we introduce Shepard local approximation operators in Riesz MV-algebras for one variable function and we structure the set of possible values of the IoT devices signals as Riesz MV-algebra. Based on these local approximation operators we define a new algorithm and we test it to prove that it can be used to fill in the missing values of signals sent by IoT devices.
Pub. online:23 Mar 2020Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 31, Issue 1 (2020), pp. 113–130
In mobile ad hoc network (MANET), routing has been the main issue because its high mobility and maintaining its routing structures are important requirements. Geographical routing mostly relies on real time location information, however, there exist lags in correctness of location information, and malicious nodes can cause troubles in accurate location tracking in the network. In order to ensure the correctness of location update information, in this paper, we propose a novel design based on a cluster based geographic routing (CBGR) formulation (Muthusenthil and Murugavalli, 2014), wherein we add a position verification technique based on a direct symmetry test (DST) to securely verify the location claims. We further introduce a new noise threshold parameter in the CBGR formulation to evaluate the correctness of location information based on a DST. Then a location based encryption scheme is employed to protect the estimated location against the eavesdropping attacks. With our simulation results, we show that the proposed location verification technique for CBGR (LVT-CBGR) network enhances the network security and performs better compared to other protocols in terms of performance metrics. The experimental outcomes illustrate the fact that our approach is well-geared to scale down the overall network expenditure.