Volume 1, Issue 1 (1990), pp. 89–106
This paper briefly reviews some of the recent results on the problems and algorithms for their solution in quadratic 0-1 optimization. First, the complexity of problems is discussed. Next, some exact algorithms and heuristics are mentioned. Finally, results in the analysis of the algorithms for 0-1 quadratic problems are summarized. The papers written in Russian are considered more thoroughly here.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (1990), pp. 87–95
The present paper considers the problem of general estimation of static model parameters and systematic measurement errors. The general estimation algorithm is based on static model linearization and on the least-squares method. The efficiency of this algorithm is illustrated by means of computer-aided digital simulation. The obtained equations and the algorithm of general estimation of static model parameters and systematic measurement errors can be applied for the solution of different practical problems. Estimatibility conditions must be satisfied in all cases.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (1990), pp. 75–86
This paper discusses the inversion of linear periodically time-varying (LPTV) digital filters using the idea of converting the LPTV filter to the block time-invariant filter. Explicit expressions are given to determine the inversion of LPTV filters. Controllability, observability and stability of the inversion of LPTV filters are discussed.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (1990), pp. 71–88
In the paper the global optimization is described from the point of an interactive software design. The interactive software that implements numeric methods and other techniques to solve global optimization problems is presented. Some problems of such a software design are formulated and discussed.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (1990), pp. 59–70
In this paper the problem of optimization of multivariate multimodal functions observed with random error is considered. Using the random function for a statistical model of the objective function the minimization procedure is suggested. This algorithm is convergent on a discrete set. To avoid computational difficulties, the modified algorithm is defined by substituting the parameters of minimization procedure by their estimates.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (1990), pp. 40–58
A new concept of an exact auxiliary function (EAF) is introduced. A function is said to be EAF, if the set of global minimizers of this function coincides with the global solution set of the initial optimization problem. Sufficient conditions for exact equivalence of the constrained minimization problem and minimization of EAF are provided. The paper presents various classes of EAF for a non linear programming problem, which has a saddle point of Lagra ge function.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (1990), pp. 35–52
In the paper a general approach to identification of non-linear autoregression processes in the class of parametric and non-parametric mathematical models is formulated. With the help of mathematical simulation the estimates of the processes of this class are studied: a nuclear estimate, an estimate of least squares projective estimates. Some statistical properties of these estimates are indicated.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (1990), pp. 20–39
In this paper we deal with the problem of extremal parameter grouping. The problem formulation, the algorithms of parameter grouping and the fields of implementation are presented. The deterministic algorithms of extremal parameter grouping often find the local maximum of the functional, characterizing the quality of a partition. The problem has been formulated as a problem of combinatorial optimization and attempted to be solved using the simulated annealing strategy. The algorithms, realizing such a strategy and devoted to the solving of the problem concerned, are proposed and investigated.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (1990), pp. 3–19
This paper is devoted to the application of adaptable difference schemes for the simulation of propagation and interaction of focused laser beams. New effective processes for the solution of stationary nonlinear optics problems are proposed. Simulation results on real experiment data show the advantages of such schemes and iteration processes.