Volume 5, Issues 1-2 (1994), pp. 189–210
In the previous papers (Novovičova, 1987; Pupeikis 1991) the problem of recursive least square (RLS) estimation of dynamic systems parameters in the presence of outliers in observations has been considered, when the filter, generating an additive noise, has a transfer function of a particular form, see Fig. 1, 2. The aim of the given paper is the development of well-known classical techniques for robust on-line estimation of unknown parameters of linear dynamic systems in the case of additive noises with different transfer functions. In this connection various ordinary recursive procedures, see Fig. 2–6, are worked out when systems' output is corrupted by the correlated noise containing outliers. The results of numerical simulation by IBM PC/AT (Table 1) are given.
Volume 4, Issues 1-2 (1993), pp. 94–110
In the previous paper (Pupeikis, 1992) the problem of off-line estimation of dynamic systems parameters in the presence of outliers in observations have been considered, when the filter generating an additive noise has a very special form. The aim of the given paper is the development, in such a case, of classical generalized least squares method (GLSM) algorithms for off-line estimation of unknown parameters of dynamic systems. Two approaches using batch processing of the stored data are worked out. The first approach is based on the application of S-, H-, W- algorithms used for calculation of M-estimates, and the second one rests on the replacement of the corresponding values of the sample covariance and cross-covariance functions by their robust analogues in respective matrices of GLSM and on a further application of the least squares (LS) parameter estimation algorithms. The results of numerical simulation by IBM PC/AT (Table 1) are given.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (1991), pp. 564–578
The present paper considers a constant-parameter estimation algorithm for an analog transfer function by discrete observations of the object's input and output variables. The algorithm is based on supplementary variables and least-squares methods. It is assumed, that the order of the transfer function is known and the derivatives of the input and output variables are non-measurable. The supplementary variables and their derivatives are constructed from discrete observations of the input and output variables by applying a numerically realized analog filter. Investigation results for the estimate properties are presented. The results were obtained by the method of statistical simulation.