Volume 2, Issue 4 (1991), pp. 579–592
In the previous paper (Pupeikis, 1990) the problem of model order determination in the presence of outliers in observations has been considered. The aim of the given paper is the development of the recursive algorithms of computation of M-estimates ensuring their stability conditions. In this connection the approach, based on adaptive Huber's monotone psi-function, is worked out. It is also used for the detection of the outliers in time series and for the correction both outliers and M-estimates during successive calculations. The results of numerical simulation by computer (Fig. 1 and Table 1) are given.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (1991), pp. 564–578
The present paper considers a constant-parameter estimation algorithm for an analog transfer function by discrete observations of the object's input and output variables. The algorithm is based on supplementary variables and least-squares methods. It is assumed, that the order of the transfer function is known and the derivatives of the input and output variables are non-measurable. The supplementary variables and their derivatives are constructed from discrete observations of the input and output variables by applying a numerically realized analog filter. Investigation results for the estimate properties are presented. The results were obtained by the method of statistical simulation.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (1991), pp. 552–563
The aim of this paper is to concentrate in one place and to show the relations among the matrix block impulse response, block impulse response, matrix impulse response and impulse response of linear time-varying (LTV) systems, frozen-time LTV systems, linear periodically time-varying (LPTV) systems, and linear time-invariant (LTI) systems.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (1991), pp. 539–551
The local optimization techniques is the basis of majority of regular (exact) algorithms for the non-monoton pseudoboolean functions optimization as the most simple and, accordingly, the most universal method of the discrete optimization. However, the local optimization method does not guarantee the elimination of the total examination when the pseudoboolean optimization problem in a general state is solved. In the present paper the cutting off algorithms are suggested which guarantee the total examination elimination for any pseudoboolean optimization problem.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (1991), pp. 524–538
The continuation transformation, its application for recursion removal and relation with reduction algorithms is analyzed. The reduction algorithm for expressions in continuation form is presented.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (1991), pp. 516–523
This paper presents the new approach to the analysis and synthesis of a parallel-processing architecture. The novelty of the procedure lies in the generalized space–time system of co-ordinates and the space–time transformation of sets in the system. The parallel space–time computing structures (PASTICS) are introduced, main principles are presented and the functional structure of processing unit is analyzed. Computing in the PASTICS is considered as a minimization of a certain potential function which can be derived from the state-transition and output functions, corresponding to the problem to be solved. The problem of synchronization of different processing units must be solved similarly as it is done in the data-flow control computers. Two important cases of application of the PASTICS are mentioned.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (1991), pp. 497–515
An external formation based on lithography processes is not a single possible method of the IC manufacturing. In the self-formation the interaction between the forming object and chaotic medium is controlled by the object's structure, and the structure is changed by the interactions accompanied by the primary object increasing complexity. Three kinds of self-formation methods can be used for manufacturing: self-alignment, based on the interaction between an object and distinct sequence of chaotic media, development, where a single chaotic medium is sufficient and reproduction, where the developing objects generates primary objects. There are known a lot of methods for submicrometer structures manufacturing and lithography processes reducing.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (1991), pp. 478–496
The paper is devoted to analysis of the software peculiarities of the computer based ultrasonic imaging system for non-destructive) testing (NDT) applications. The developed software enables 1, 2, and 3-dimensional imaging of the intrinsic structure of the materials and measurement of their parameters.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (1991), pp. 473–477
The role of an interface between an algorithm and its environment for school students is discussed. The motivation of the use of Pascal functions and procedures instead of commonly used programs in the first lessons of programming is presented. The main features of an interpreter of algorithms (Pascal functions and procedures) implemented on school computer are presented.