Volume 3, Issue 2 (1992), pp. 247–255
The problem we are dealing with is following. There exist certain number of nodes η, transmitting messages at random time moments. If time interval between messages transmitted by different nodes are less than some given value, a collision occurs. We can fix the collision, but we cannot determine the nodes engaged in the collision. The hierarchical decomposition of the nodes is used to resolve the collision. At every hierarchical level, a subset of nodes “suspected” as participating in the collision is divided in a certain number of groups. There is a time period given to every group, at which messages can be transmitted. This proceeds while no more collisions occurs. This paper covers the problems of selecting a number of groups, to minimize the longest collision resolution time, as well as average collision resolution time.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (1992), pp. 241–246
The Freudian psychoanalysis in its modern form assumes that activities of a patient depend on his physical and mental state (“energy”), and result in maintaining his life, in useless waste of his energy (“symptoms”), and in (“useful”) contribution to the society and to patient's energy level.
Another contribution to patient's energy level comes from the society. It comprises life amenities, medication, and “education”. Patient's mental state is characterized by two parameters, “symbolic” and “imaginary”. Both parameters affect the outcome of patient activities, and are affected by contributions to his “energy”.
A mathematical description of this model as a dynamical system is presented. Significance of obtained solutions for psychoanalysis is discussed.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (1992), pp. 225–240
In this paper, we present two heuristics for solving the unconstrained quadratic 0–1 programming problem. First heuristic realizes the steepest ascent from the centre of the hypercube, while the second constructs a series of solutions and chooses the best of them. In order to evaluate their worst-case behaviour We define the performance ratio K which uses the objective function value at the reference point x=1/2. We show for both heuristics that K is bounded by 1 from above and this bound is sharp. Finally, we report on the results of a computational study with proposed and local improvement heuristics.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (1992), pp. 198–224
A random walk dan be used to model various types of discrete random processes. It may be of interest at some point to find the peak of this function. A direct method of doing so involves evaluating the function at every point and recording the highest value. However, it may be desirable to find the peak without having, to evaluate the function at every point. A search technique was developed to find the peak of a random walk with a minimal number of function evaluations using probabilistic means to guess at where the peak will most likely occur given the parameters of a specific function. A computer program was written to implement the search strategy and a series-of random walk functions of varying lengths were generated to test its performance. Data was compiled and the results show that the search is capable of finding the peak with a significant reduction in the number of function evaluations needed for a point by point search, especially for functions of greater walk length.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (1992), pp. 173–197
Finite-difference algorithm for solving convection-diffusion equation with small coefficient at Laplace operator is developed. It is based on equivalent partial differential equation approach. Both linear and nonlinear equations are considered and appropriate finite-difference schemes are proposed. Some analysis of their properties is conducted. The computational efficiency of this algorithm is studied using various test problems. Some results on numerical simulation of capillary isotachophoresis is presented.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (1992), pp. 159–172
This paper is devoted to the investigation of difference schemes for the solution of an important free-surface problem: modelling of a liquid-metal contact. The existence of a solution and the convergence of proposed iterative processes are investigated in a weak sense, using the alternative form of the problem as a nonlinear constrained minimization problem.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (1992), pp. 141–158
Difference methods in velocity-pressure variables having a number of important properties are constructed and investigated in this paper for a two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation. Power neutral approximations of convective members and pressure gradients ensure a conservativity and absolute stability of the proposed algorithms. Their stability and convergence are investigated. The existence and uniqueness of velocity components and pressure gradients is proved.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (1992), pp. 98–118
We consider a class of identification algorithms for distributed parameter systems. Utilizing stochastic optimization techniques, sequences of estimators are constructed by minimizing appropriate functionals. The main effort is to develop weak and strong invariance principles for the underlying algorithms. By means of weak convergence methods, a functional central limit theorem is established. Using the Skorohod imbedding, a strong invariance principle is obtained. These invariance principles provide very precise rates of convergence results for parameter estimates, yielding important information for experimental design.