Volume 3, Issue 4 (1992), pp. 539–566
The main approach to improve the computer performance by enhancing the operating speed of transistors, used in modern computer technology, are reviewed. The qualitative enhance of the transistor operating speed could be realized by using semiconductor materials with the higher than in silicon electron mobility (such as GaAs, InGaAs) and by decreasing the size of transistors until nanometric dimensions. That opens the way to design computers with the operating speed larger than 10 billion operations per second.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (1992), pp. 524–538
In this paper, we present a new local search algorithm for solving the Quadratic Assignment Problem based on the Kernighan-Lin heuristic for the Graph Partitioning Problem. We also prove that finding a local optimum for the Quadratic Assignment Problem, with the neighborhood structure defined in the algorithm, is PLS-complete. The greatest advantages of the algorithm are its simplicity and speed in generating high quality solutions. The algorithm has been implemented and tested on an IBM 3090 computer with a variety of test problems of dimensions up to 100, including many test problems available in the literature and a new set of test problems with known optimal permutations.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (1992), pp. 497–523
It is well known that many practical optimization problems with random elements lead from the mathematical point of view to deterministic optimization problems depending on the random elements through probability laws only. Further, it is also well known that these probability laws are known very seldom. Consequently, statistical estimates of the unknown probability measure, if they exist, must be employed to obtain some estimates of the optimal value and the optimal solution, at least.
If the theoretical distribution function is completely unknown then an empirical distribution usually substitutes it [2, 3, 9, 17, 31]. The great attention has been already paid to the studying of statistical properties of such arised empirical estimates, in the literature. We can remember here the works [4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 16, 32], for example. The aim of this paper is to discuss the convergence rate. For this we shall employed the assertions of the papers [10, 11, 13].
Volume 3, Issue 4 (1992), pp. 474–496
In this paper, we discuss computational aspects of an interior-point algorithm [1] for indefinite quadratic programming problems with box constraints. The algorithm finds a local minimizer by successively solving indefinite quadratic problems with an ellipsoid constraint. In addition, we present a sufficient condition for a local minimizer to be global, and we use this result to generate test problems with a known global solution. The proposed algorithm has been implemented on an IBM 3090 computer and tested on a variety of dense test problems, including problems with a known global optimizer.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (1992), pp. 469–473
The binary logic functions “excitation and/or noninhibition” and “excitation and noninhibition” are realized by the model of a nonlinear stationary dendritic branch. The neuron with such dendrites is a complex logic system performing a great member of elementary logic operations.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (1992), pp. 455–468
The model of the HIV/AIDS infection spread is proposed and investigated. The paper deals with some specific features of the disease spread at the initial stage, i.e., when the infection extent is small enough. We propose a model characterizing any risk group by three differential equations. These equations describe the dynamics of active susceptible, active infected, and passive infected individuals. The evaluation of parameters from demographical and medical data is discussed. The package for the investigation of infection is presented, and possibilities to control the infection are shown. Two general directions of control may be distinguished: the HIV/AIDS blood tests and the publicity and availability of protective means. The investigations showed under what conditions the HIV/AIDS infection may be stopped.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (1992), pp. 418–431
In the Jasinevitchius (1991) we have introduced the new approach to the parallel space–time, computing structures (PASTICS). This paper deals with the further elaboration of the concept and synthesis of a particular architecture dedicated to the computer visions systems.
A dynamic pattern recognition problem has predetermined the functional organization of the newly developed architecture. A gist of the paper lies in a methodology of the synthesis and in the vitality of the obtained structures.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (1992), pp. 393–417
Some exceptional features of the dynamically changing environment require the additional means for qualitative knowledge representation, data verification and ensurance of operativity of decision making processes. The article considers the possibilities of integration the safequard methods for impartial multicriteria: decision making with the three levels of knowledge representation distinguished in the decision support system (DSS). The approach is to represent static and dynamic aspects of the target system and to reflect them in deep knowledge representation level. The means to formalize multiple objective decision making mechanisms is proposed. The examples developed during the designing stages of the ecological evaluation system for different enterprises demonstrate the results of using extended E-nets for modeling cognitive processes leading to decisions.