Volume 6, Issue 3 (1995), pp. 299–312
In the papers (Kaminskas, 1972; Kaminskas and Nemura, 1975; Yin, 1989) the stopping rules of recursive least squares (RLS) are worked out using the ellipsoidal confidence region for the respective parameter vector of a linear dynamic system. The aim of the given paper is the development of the technique for calculating threshold intervals of respective criterions, used in a stopping rule, which are presented in Kaminskas (1972). In this connection adaptive threshold intervals based on the Cramer-Rao lower bound are proposed here. The results of numerical simulation by IBM PC/AT are given.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (1995), pp. 289–298
We compare two alternative ways to use the Bayesian approach in heuristic optimization. The “no-learning” way means that we optimize the randomization parameters for each problem separately. The “learning” way means that we optimize the randomization parameters for some “learning” set of problems. We use those parameters later on for a family of related problems.
We define the learning efficiency as a non-uniformity of optimal parameters while solving a set of randomly generated problems. We show that for flow-shop problems the non-uniformity of optimal parameters is significant. It means that the Bayesian learning is efficient in those problems.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (1995), pp. 277–288
Two-dimensional signals of physical phenomena may be inadvertently altered before recording through the system whose bandwidth is smaller than that of the signal. It is often desired to restore later such data by removing the effects of the linear system. This restoration may be accomplished by synthesizing two-dimensional (2-D) inverse filters on computers. Approximations are necessary to insure the stability of the inverse filter.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (1995), pp. 265–276
The results of investigation of computer programs written by school students during the 6th International Olympiad in Informatics are presented. Pascal program texts are analyzed on the lexical level. A certain relationship is indicated between program correctness and usage of some programming constructs as well as readability of the program text. The results are discussed from the standpoint of programming teaching.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (1995), pp. 249–263
A multiextremal problem on the synthesis of external circuit of a tunable subnanosecond pulse TRAPATT-generator was investigated using algorithms of local optimization and cluster analysis.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (1995), pp. 233–243
The newest version of Turbo Pascal – Turbo Pascal 7.0 – is concentrately described in comparing with optimal language for programming teaching – Standard Pascal. Data types, control structures, procedures and functions, parameters, new directions of development are classified and discussed.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (1995), pp. 225–232
An algorithm for the sequential analysis of multivariate data structure is presented. The algorithm is based on the sequential nonlinear mapping of L-dimensional vectors from the L-hyperspace into a lower-dimensional (two-dimensional) vectors such that the inner structure of distances among the vectors is preserved. Expressions for the sequential nonlinear mapping are obtained. The mapping error function is chosen. Theoretical minimum amount of the very beginning simultaneously mapped vectors is obtained.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (1995), pp. 193–224
We apply some concepts of Information-Based Complexity (IBC) to global and discrete optimization. We assume that only partial information on the objective is available. We gather this partial information by observations. We use the traditional IBC definitions and notions while defining formal aspects of the problem. We use the Bayesian framework to consider less formal aspects, such as expert knowledge and heuristics.
We extend the traditional Bayesian Approach (BA) including heuristics. We call that a Bayesian Heuristic Approach (BHA).
We discuss how to overcome the computational difficulties using parallel computing. We illustrate the theoretical concepts by three examples: by discrete problems of flow-shop scheduling and parameter grouping, and by a continuous problem of batch operations scheduling.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (1995), pp. 181–192
Rule-based systems are usually interpreted as a shallow expert systems realization tool. The paper analyses how the applicability of production rules can be extended using the proposed rule base structuring discipline. Its main constructions are rule grouping according to elementary aspects of investigation, and decomposition of actions. In addition, the rule cycle construction is used for discrete time simulation tasks. The proposed method is illustrated by 2 applications: the expert subsystem for a database, and the simulator of a water heater.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (1995), pp. 167–180
The use of vector quantization for speaker identification is investigated. This method differs from the known methods in that the number of centroids is not doubled but increases by 1 at every step. This enables us to obtain identification results at any number of centroids. This method is compared experimentally with the method (Lipeika and Lipeikienė, 1993a, 1993b), where feature vectors of investigative and comparative speakers are compared directly.