Pub. online:30 Nov 2022Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 33, Issue 4 (2022), pp. 771–793
A new methodology to help to improve the efficiency of herbicide assessment is explained. It consists of an automatic tool to quantify the percentage of weeds and plants of interest (sunflowers) that are present in a given area. Images of the crop field taken from Sequoia camera were used. Firstly, the quality of the images of each band is improved. Later, the resulting multi-spectral images are classified into several classes (soil, sunflower and weed) through a novel algorithm implemented in e-Cognition software. Obtained results of the proposed classifications have been compared with two deep learning-based segmentation methods (U-Net and FPN).
Pub. online:28 Nov 2022Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 33, Issue 4 (2022), pp. 857–899
T-spherical fuzzy (T-SF) sets furnish a constructive and flexible manner to manifest higher-order fuzzy information in realistic decision-making contexts. The objective of this research article is to deliver an original multiple-criteria choice method that utilizes a correlation-focused approach toward computational intelligence in uncertain decision-making activities with T-spherical fuzziness. This study introduces the notion of T-SF data-driven correlation measures that are predicated on two types of the square root function and the maximum function. The purpose of these measures is to exhibit the overall desirability of choice options across all performance criteria using T-SF comprehensive correlation indices within T-SF decision environments. This study executes an application for location selection and demonstrates the effectiveness and suitability of the developed techniques in T-SF uncertain conditions. The comparative analysis and outcomes substantiate the justifiability and the strengths of the propounded methodology in pragmatic situations under T-SF uncertainties.
Volume 33, Issue 4 (2022), pp. 713–729
In recent years, the multi-attribute group decision making (MAGDM) problem has received extensive attention and research, and it plays an increasingly important role in our daily life. Fuzzy environment provides a more accurate decision-making environment for decision makers, so the research on MAGDM problem under fuzzy environment sets (SFSs) has become popular. Taxonomy method has become an effective method to solve the problem of MAGDM. It also plays an important role in solving the problem of MAGDM combined with other environments. In this paper, a new method for MAGDM is proposed by combining Taxonomy method with SFSs (SF-Taxonomy). In addition, we use entropy weight method to calculate the objective weight of attributes, so that more objective results can be produced when solving MAGDM problems.
Volume 33, Issue 3 (2022), pp. 593–621
This paper proposes a new multi-criteria group decision-making (MCGDM) method utilizing q-rung orthopair fuzzy (qROF) sets, improved power weighted operators and improved power weighted Maclaurin symmetric mean (MSM) operators. The power weighted averaging operator and power weighted Maclaurin symmetric mean (MSM) operator used in the existing MCGDM methods have the drawback of being unable to distinguish the priority order of alternatives in some scenarios, especially when one of the qROF numbers being considered has a non-belongingness grade of 0 or a belongingness grade of 1. To address this limitation of existing MCGDM methods, four operators, namely qROF improved power weighted averaging (qROFIPWA), qROF improved power weighted geometric (qROFIPWG), qROF improved power weighted averaging MSM (qROFIPWAMSM) and qROF improved power weighted geometric MSM (qROFIPWGMSM), are proposed in this paper. These operators mitigate the effects of erroneous assessment of information from some biased decision-makers, making the decision-making process more reliable. Following that, a group decision-making methodology is developed that is capable of generating a reasonable ranking order of alternatives when one of the qROF numbers considered has a non-belongingness grade of 0 or a belongingness grade of 1. To investigate the applicability of the proposed approach, a case study is also presented and a comparison-based investigation is used to demonstrate the superiority of the approach.
Volume 33, Issue 4 (2022), pp. 731–748
Fuzzy relations have been widely applied in decision making process. However, the application process requires people to have a high level of ability to compute and infer information. As people usually have limited ability of computing and inferring, the fuzzy relation needs to be adapted to fit the abilities of people. The bounded rationality theory holding the view that people have limited rationality in terms of computing and inferring meets such a requirement, so we try to combine the fuzzy relation with the bounded rationality theory in this study. To do this, first of all, we investigate four properties of fuzzy relations (i.e. reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity and reciprocity) within the bounded rationality context and find that these properties are not compatible with the bounded rationality theory. Afterwards, we study a new property called the bounded rational reciprocity of fuzzy relations, to make it possible to combine a fuzzy relation with the bounded rationality theory. Based on the bounded rational reciprocity, the bounded rational reciprocal preference relation is then introduced. A rationality visualization technique is proposed to intuitively display the rationality of experts. Finally, a bounded rationality net-flow-based ranking method is presented to solve real decision-making problems with bounded rational reciprocal preference relations, and a numerical example with comparative analysis is given to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed methods.
Volume 34, Issue 1 (2023), pp. 53–83
Innovation can be the greatest hope of overcoming economic challenges. This paper aims to evaluate countries concerning their innovation performances. We introduce an innovation performance evaluation methodology by considering objective factors and applying seven reliable MCDM methods: MEREC, CODAS, MABAC, MARCOS, CoCoSo, WASPAS, and MAIRCA. MEREC calculates the relative weights of indicators considered, while the other techniques decide the ranking order of G7 countries. The Borda rule is then employed to gain an aggregated ranking order. “Business sophistication” is the most critical indicator, whereas the US has the best position regarding the overall ranking. Sensitivity control is as well conducted.
Pub. online:5 Aug 2022Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 30, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 327–348
In our previous paper we presented an offline e-cash system with observers. We have shown that the proposed system satisfies basic requirements for e-cash schemes. We also covered such security issues as chosen message attack resistance and forgery of protocols data. However, in that paper we focused more on the system itself, rather than its analysis.
Hence, here we present cryptanalysis of our system. We aim to prove that existential forgery of data is not possible due to complexity of the discrete logarithm problem. Furthermore, we perform the analysis of trustworthiness of the system using the so-called BAN logic. Also, we consider effectivity of the proposed e-cash system in observers with limited computational resources.
Pub. online:5 Aug 2022Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 16, Issue 2 (2005), pp. 295–312
Software size is an important attribute in software project planning. Several methods for software size estimation are available; most of them are based on function points. Albrecht introduced function points as a technologically independent method with its own software abstraction layer. However, it is difficult to apply original abstraction elements to current technologies. Therefore researchers introduced additional rules and mappings for object-based solutions. In this paper several mapping strategies are discussed and compared. Based on the similarities in compared mappings, a common mapping strategy is then defined. This mapping is then tested on the reference application portfolio containing five applications. The aim of the test scenario is to evaluate the impact of the diverse detail levels in the class diagrams on software size measurement. Although the question of how to perform quality size measurements in object-oriented projects remains unanswered, the paper gives valuable information on the topic, supported by mathematics.
Pub. online:5 Aug 2022Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 30, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 293–325
The Hamy mean (HM) operator, as a convenient mathematical aggregation tool, can deal with the interrelationship among multiple input parameters, and the power average (PA) operator can relieve the influence of awkward assessment values in the decision consequences. The interval neutrosophic sets (INSs) are a more powerful mathematical tool to handle insufficient, indeterminate and vague information that exists in real life problems. Yet, in some complicated decision-making situations, we require to consider the correlation between multi-input arguments and remove the influence of awkward data at the same time. To deal with such situations, in this paper, we combine the conventional HM operator to the traditional PA operator in interval neutrosophic settings and present two novel interval neutrosophic aggregation operators, that is, the interval neutrosophic power Hamy mean (INPHM) operator and the weighted interval neutrosophic power Hamy mean (WINPHM) operators. Then, some preferable properties of the developed aggregation operators are discussed. Moreover, based on these developed aggregation operators, we propose a new method for multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) under the INSs. Lastly, some examples are given to show the effectiveness of the developed method by comparing it with other existing methods.
Pub. online:5 Aug 2022Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 16, Issue 2 (2005), pp. 285–294
Recently, Yang et al. proposed an improvement to Tseng et al.’s protected password changing scheme that can withstand denial of service attack. However, the improved scheme is still susceptible to stolen-verifier attack and denial of service attack. Accordingly, the current paper demonstrates the vulnerability of Yang et al.’s scheme to two simple attacks and presents an improved protected password change scheme to resolve such problems. In contrast to Yang et al.’s protected password changing scheme and the existing password change schemes using server’s public key, the proposed scheme can securely update user passwords without a complicated process and server’s public key.